
1What is an Annual? +

Annuals are plants that complete their life cycle in one season. Unlike perennials, which survive winter thanks to the accumulated reserves in their roots, annuals perish in the cold.

2Is There a Way to Extend the Blooming Period for Annuals? +

For abundant and consistent blooming, it is important to remove withered flowers. Cutting the stem just above a leaf stimulates the growth of new shoots.

3Which Plants to Choose? +

If you have options, we recommend choosing a sturdy plant with floral buds rather than flowers, as the flowers will fall off during planting. A thick plant will have a better chance of survival than a frail one. If you cannot plant the flowers the day that you buy them, it is important to place them in the shade and water them properly. Potted plants dry up faster than plants in the ground.

4The ABCs of Planting Annuals +

First, remove all weeds and unwanted plants from the planting area. Then, work the soil with a spade or roto-tiller, depending on the size of the flower bed. For annuals, the soil must be turned to a depth of at least 10 to 15 cm. This will give the roots room to spread. Treat the soil with manure, compost or slow-release fertilizer. The planting hole must be large enough to contain the root ball. Remove the flowers easily thanks to the Basket Pack technology. Cover the plant with soil and press down firmly on the entire area covering the roots. Water thoroughly after planting. The spacing required between flowers varies from one type to another. The label on the handle of the Basket Pack provides information on spacing and care. To keep the soil moist and reduce the need for weeding, apply at least 10 cm of mulch.

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